FaZe Tfue sues FaZe Clan

Who is FaZe Tfue?

Turney Tenney, better known as Tfue in the online community, is an American eSports player who gained his massive followings by streaming Fortnite on Twitch. Early April of 2018, with only 70,000 subscribers on YouTube, Tfue was invited to the Faze Clan, which was a professional eSports and entertainment team with extremely well-known persons such as FaZe Bank, FaZe Rug, and although not necessarily part of Faze, RiceGum. His Twitch and YouTube popularity skyrocketed and his fan base grew at an exponential rate. He was deemed the “best player in the world” on Fortnite and has a staggering 6 million Twitch followers along with 10 million YouTube subscribers; his net worth is an estimated $10 million. All of these are gained through brand deals, social media platforms, and money that he had previously win from gaming tournaments. All was about to change on May 20, 2019. 

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“Limiting his ability to pursue his profession”

On May 20th, 2019, Tfue sued Faze Clan for allegedly limiting his ability to pursue his profession under violation of California law, where both Tfue and his “ex-team” currently resides. He claims that he is missing out on “lucrative opportunities” because of the so-called “illegal activities” of the organization regarding the contract in which he signed one year ago. Furthermore, claims made by Tfue include how he only receives 20% of the revenue from any branded videos that are published on Twitch, YouTube or social media, and half of his revenue from touring and appearances. The main concern in his complaint is that he has to do things that are favorable for Faze, but could be damaging to his own profile. For example, he would have to give up brand deals and sponsorships because it was a conflict of interest for the organization that he was working for.

(Personally, I think this is completely ludicrous because he agreed to be part of a team already, therefore, he should be willing to make sacrifices. Not only does the team help him with his rapid success and earn him millions, but they are also willing to provide him with alternative resources and other brandings.)

A major accusation that Tfue made was also that members of Faze were pressuring him to drink and encourages him to illegally gamble whilst in the Faze house. That was when Turner Tenner decided to leave the house to take control of his career.

A statement made by the Faze Clan the day Tfue released his lawsuit:

FaZe Banks and Tfue

After Faze Clan addressed the issue on Twitter, Ricky “FaZe Banks” Banks made a video response on YouTube, clearly distressed and disappointed about this unexpected betrayal. He talked about how Tfue was always the one that was pressuring people to do stuff and how he was always the adventurous one. He also says that the team gave him was his main support and it was really hurtful to see him make such accusations. Tfue reciprocates by saying that all allegations about being pressured to drink and engage in illegal activities shall be resigned to the allegation and removed; claiming that he didn’t want that part in the lawsuit and will have his lawyer disclose it. Moreover, Tfue urges his contract to be released to the public and apparently, what he’s been saying was true. On May 23, 2019, the contract has been leaked by ‘The Blast News’. The contract states that Tfue only gets 80% of brand deals, 50% of merchandise, 50% brand deals, 50% appearance fees, and 20% Prize Pools, which sums up only having 50% of what he earns towards FaZe Clan. Since the release of FaZe Banks video on Turner, he lost over 30,000 subscribers on YouTube, with Banks gaining over 200,000 subscribers thanks to the video. But since Tfue’s response, he was starting to gain fans again at a fast rate.

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John Wick’s return to Fortnite. Is this a desperate move by Fortnite?

On a previous post, we talked about the return of the skull trooper to Fortnite and considered whether or not it was an appropriate decision made by Epic Games. This proved to be the right move knowing that despite the repercussions of re-releasing a particularly “rare” item, the millions of player managed to generate 11 million dollars in sales for the corporation according to an article by The Verge. This just shows to prove that regardless of how much value the skin is actually worth, if the developers of Fortnite continue to hold off selling something, the fans will want it even more; personally, I believe that this is why they’re going to re-introduce the John Wick skin into the game. Although, I am still conflicted as to whether Epic Games is being desperate for profit or are they actually smart enough and capable enough of doing this. Soon, there would be no more special skins, and players will start to lose interest. I consider this a temporary solution for a long-term problem. There is yet to be any confirmation for this information as there is no statement made by Epic Games, itself, but there had been multiple leaked sources that all suggest the same thing.

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Predicted appearance of the Fortnite character “John Wick”

History of “The Reaper”

The “John Wick” skin in Fortnite was never formally called that, but it was named “The Reaper”. It clearly resembles the character, John Wick, from John Wick, a gloomy assassin born out of his revenge for his murdered dog. (yes that is the actual origin story and motive) Players were able to unlock this skin by reaching tier 100 of the third season Battle Pass, a feat that a lot of individuals managed to do. The skin was thought to be one of the sleekest and most feared skin, considering the fact that players who possessed this skin, possessed a lot of experience and skills in this game. There were no other alternative method of earning it, just constant grinding and performing achievements to reach max tier. Here is what it looks like (noticeably different from the one above):

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John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum

Just recently, last week, Reddit users started to spot the house of the feared assassin in Paradise Palms, which lead “data miners” to dig up images of John Wick cosmetic skin and a limited-time mode. With the release of the new John Wick movie, released May 17, this seemed to be a surefire thing that Epic Games would do, as this wasn’t the first time that the game did a crossover event with a movie. According to the data leak, the new LTM introduced is called “Wick’s Bounty”, where it tasks players with eliminating other “bounty hunters” in order to win coins. When reaching a certain amount of coins, the player wins, but if killed three times, the player is eliminated.

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John Wick’s estate in Paradise Palms


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Fornite x Avengers: Endgame! and update on GTA VI

Fortnite, a global sensation

In today’s post, we’ll be talking about the highly-anticipated crossover event between Fortnite and Avengers: Endgame coming out soon and also the update on what we know about GTA VI and its release. In early May of 2018, Fortnite hosted a special crossover event in which players could pick up an infinity gauntlet, from the Marvel Universe, in the game and play as the big, bad Thanos included with totally stunning powers. This was a limited game mode that lasted for a week; it did not only promote Avengers: Infinity War, but it also built publicity for the game as it was considered a medium that breaches into pop culture and trends. With it reaching its peak at Season 9 with more than 7 million concurrent players and 250 million registered accounts, there is no doubt that the brand is going to continue its rapid success over this next month with no other, Avengers: Endgame.

Fortnite character, Brite Bomber, holding Captain America’s shield

4.25.19 #FortnitexAvengers

Yesterday, April 22, Fortnite posted out a tweet with the image above with the caption: “Whatever it takes. 4. 25. 29 #FortniteXAvengers”. Based on the image, Captain America’s shield is certainly a part of the event. Would it be a weapon to throw around or a shield? We’ll have to wait until Thursday to find out. In my opinion, it would be epic if there were assigned “Avengers members” equipped with the designated weapons and skin and one Thanos. The rest would be Thanos’ minions and the goal is for the Avengers team to defeat the endless waves of minions and eventually killing Thanos before dying. The release of this game mode hits the perfect spot because of the hype and anticipation around this movie. Considering the Thanos game mode was a week-long event, I’m guessing this will be the same. At 7 A.M. this morning, Epic tweeted another picture with the same caption, but instead with none other than Stormbreaker.


GTA 6 Release Date Update

Revealed in a post by PCGamesN, it was suggested that the work for GTA VI is on its way and its release will be some time in 2020. If the rumors are true, the game would be a PS5 exclusive for one month giving Sony an extreme advantage in the console competition. I am extremely hyped for this game because I enjoy playing GTA a lot and I’m excited to see what the new game has to offer besides the guaranteed, breathtaking graphics.

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Valve’s new VR headset and update on “Google Stadia”

In today’s gaming blog, I will be discussing the new Valve gaming device, also known as the Valve Index, along with the update on the last blog which talked about Google’s announcement on their new cloud gaming console. Valve, an American gaming developer corporation, has released a teaser on Steam for their new VR headset called the Valve Index. A headset developed by Valve has been the center of talk for a while now until November of last year when convincing images were leaked confirming the arrival of this new piece of gaming technology. Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve Corporation, previously hinted towards wanting to both develop gaming hardware and games. Although, there has been speculation that we’re getting too ahead of yourself because numerous times in the past, Valve has been “flirting” at the idea of transitioning into the hardware market but never fully committing.

logo of the device

Valve has set to release this gaming console during May of this year. On the teaser, there were only two phrases. “Upgrade your experience. May 2019.” Furthermore, the phrase might have something to do with the fact that this VR headset allows the user to view in 135 degrees which is much freer than the usual 110 degrees. On the other hand, there are no announcements of a gaming controller or knuckle because usually when playing in virtual reality, there must be some type of handheld device to help navigate through the playing field. There is little to no information about this product hence most of these are just speculations.

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image of possible controllers

Up next, here is a follow up of the Google gaming device. As you can recall, we talked about Google’s big leap into revolutionary cloud gaming. You can find information all about it here:


Heres a quick look at the device controller:

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Based on the first impression, the controller resembles the design of the PlayStation remote while retaining the figure of an Xbox controller. I personally like the color scheme because it is very vibrant and glowing. At the convention, Google didn’t necessarily give much information about the console itself, only the fact that it is going to be catered towards cloud gaming services. A lot of critics say that this is very difficult to achieve. But, Google developers had no fear as this kind of technology has been in development for years. We just don’t know when the console is going to be released exactly. Although, a big concern regarding Google Stadia is privacy. Whenever discussing Google and their intents, it’s hard not to bring up privacy. People are wondering where will all this knowledge and data be stored and who will have access to it. We will just have to wait.

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Google’s big transition into gaming

Earlier this year. Google had announced that they’re expected to reveal a gaming news on March 19th this year and the Game Developer’s Convention; many have speculated the arrival of a new gaming console designed by Google running on its own software. Google had posted a few teaser videos of what to come and the date is closer than ever. For that’s to come, Google stated that they’re going to “unveil Google’s vision for the future of gaming”. Critics say that this Google is at a great disadvantage considering that there exists numerous gaming systems or consoles that are popular such as the Microsoft Xbox or the Sony PlayStation. Google’s significance in the gaming world is that they’re said to be using cloud gaming which will be discussed in the next paragraph and why it is crucial toward the “future of gaming”.  After Google’s announcement on the 19th, there are several other high-profiled gaming companies lined up to talk including Ubisoft and id Software.

pop-up Google exhibit outside of the GDC

The image above is predicted to be the logo of Google’s gaming system. The significance of Ubisoft is that their newly released game, Assassins’s Creed: Odyssey, was one of the first ever to run of Google’s cloud. Instead of needing a powerful computer or console with a strong graphics card in order to perform well in one’s game play, players can now solely rely on the cloud-gaming servers. This streaming technology might be able to help Google enter the gaming market. Variety had written that they’ve seen snippets of the new gaming device on Google Chromecast which is used as a server to stream movies and games to consumers. If Google successfully pull this event off, this might just be one of the biggest story of the year.

You Are The Champion

Unless you were living under a rock, you surely must’ve heard about the up and coming battle royale game (yet again) called Apex Legends. Within the first twenty-four hour of release, it had already smashed Fortnite‘s record of most players in the first day. After 72 hours, the game had already hit 10,000,000 live players ever since its release on February 4 of 2018. Pretty much, it became a household name and  Apex Legends became synonymous with any millennials along with adults. Developed by Respawn Entertainment, this “original” first-person game was published on the EA platform on both Microsoft Store (Xbox) and PS4 making it available to three of the most common gaming systems. The game, to no surprise, follows the exact same format/recipe for a successful battle royale game: 90-100 people drop on an island with loot and weapons scattered in different regions and the main objective is to fight until one remains. In PUBG, the catchphrase was “Winner, winner, chicken dinner!”. In Fortnite, it was “#1 Victory Royale”. Finally, in Apex Legends, it’s “You Are the Champion!”.

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First of all, let’s discuss the overall gameplay and what made the game so popular so quickly. The first time I heard about Apex Legends, I wasn’t necessarily eager to try it out because I assumed it would just be another battle royale game thrown into some futuristic Black Ops scene. In actuality… I was right. I want to give you my verdict about this game before you read the article: the game is okay at its best and mediocre at its worst. With that in mind, let’s get into the game. The gameplay and the overall flow of the game seem very detailed and one could tell that the producers spent a lot of time manufacturing the map alone. This is one thing I like about Apex Legends. Going around and exploring the features in the different areas of the battle royale is extremely fun considering the different motions that the heroes are capable of performing. Taking inspiration from games such as Overwatch and Titanfall, the variety of weapons are futuristic: ranging from a pistol/handgun to an assault rifle. Because the developers of Apex Legends intended the game to be part of the Titanfall saga and to exist in the same universe, the gameplay is similar to one another.

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The main concept that differentiates Apex Legends from other battle royale genre games such as Fortnite or PUBG, the game offers a selection of heroes to enter the arena with; each with their distinctive specialty. Personally, I think that this is a decent idea but it doesn’t go along with the gameplay. Usually, in battle royale games, everyone should be equal in terms of power, speed, agility, and etc. In Fortnite, for example, skins and special add-ons can be bought in the item store but never does it provide the player any sort of tactical advantage. On the other hand, in Apex Legends, the assortment of heroes are unfair, in my opinion, because some are simply better than others; when many players feel that way, the less favored characters will not be used and most would use the better ones creating a lack of diversity which would usually be seen in Fortnite. Here are the characters that you can play as:

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Left to Right: Caustic, Lifeline, Bloodhound, Wraith, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, Bangalore, Mirage (in front)

So, after discussing all the technical aspects of Apex Legends, let’s talk about the major success that it is rewarded with. In terms of marketing for the game, EA doesn’t follow its standard approach for Apex. Games such as Anthem is developed for a long time before publicly announcing its release in 2014, eventually released earlier this year. On the other hand, Apex Legends was semi-confidential and no one had heard of the game since a week before it was dropped! This was certainly a huge risk for the company and EA as well. The game was so similar to Fortnite in every component but Fortnite was completely oblivious to how big the game would become. To a lot of surprises, Apex Legends is a free-to-play game and it brought in a whopping 75 million downloads within the first week, completely blowing Fortnite’s insignificant 10 million downloads within its first two weeks in 2017. With the huge success of Apex Legends, Electronic Arts stock skyrocketed 16.1% after news that Apex Legends hit 10,000,000 downloads within the first three days. Moreover, the game features an item shop similar to Fortnite which means that it’s making more revenue from in-game purchases. The number is still not made public. Furthermore, there had already been plans for competitive tournaments featuring this game.

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I will state my overall opinion in a short and concise manner. I do not like this game nearly as much as Fortnite. This might be a little contradictory to the success of Apex Legends, which is impressive and unprecedented, but I was completely sick of the game after playing it for a week. I find it to be extremely tedious and repetitive because there isn’t anything special or original about it. It followed the exact same format as any other game and the characters along with the weapons are very generic. Unlike Fortnite, there isn’t a sense of interactiveness between player and game because despite being a battle royale game, it was able to branch out and truly tap in our modern culture. The different seasons of Fortnite never fail to engage the players in the simulated world. Although, Apex Legends is still a relatively new game and only time will tell if it chooses to mirror Fortnite. 

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Fortnite Sued Over Stolen Dances and Emotes

Fortnite, by now, had grown to be an extremely successful game in the gaming community and Epic Games continues to dominate their competition with the number of monthly players. According to Polygon, Fortnite claims to have an estimated 78.3 million players monthly, surpassing any battle royale genre games or any video games in general. Just in 2018, Fortnite banked over $3 billion in in-game purchases and collaborations with other mainstream media. Being such a video-game superpower, Fortnite shares its fair deal of hatred and criticism from the public. While others praise it for its major success and revolution in the gaming industry, some claims that the game is slowly dying and becoming less popular than it once was, and I cannot agree less. The game, arguably, peaked in the summer of 2018 as there were the most players in those few months and understandably Ninja, the face of Fortnite, was at a career high.

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Avengers: Infinity War breaches over to the Fortnite community in May 2018

At the height of Fortnite’s fame, there was even a crossover to the hottest movie at that time, Avengers: Infinity War. But lately, people have been losing interest in Fortnite and the overall game as they discover there are other games that are more worthy of players than Fortnite. The game, overall, is not discussed as much as it used to be and streamers that primary play the game has been losing viewers. Ninja, once gaining hundreds of thousands of views per streaming session, averages around 40-50k viewers. Now, for the topic of today’s article, Fortnite is currently under fire and pressure as they’re being sued by the presumed “Backpack Kid” along with “Orange Shirt Kid” under the conviction of “stealing” their dance (or at least the dance that they popularize) for their game and to gain profit.

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Both icons, the Backpack Kid, or Russell Horning, and the Orange Shirt Kid are suing Fortnite for taking their ideas and selling it as a buyable emote, or dance, using the virtual currency, Vbucks. First of all, we need to discuss Russel’s lawsuit case and the reason that he is suing Fortnite over copyright issues. The Backpack Kid is the notorious nickname for Horning as he was featured on a Saturday Night Live with Katy Perry and he did the infamous dance coined “flossing” which took the world by storm. The dance became a viral sensation to the point that everyone knew what it was and were doing it. Horning then immediately claimed rights over the dance and that’s that. In December 2017, the Season 2 Battle Pass was released which featured the “flossing” dance as an unlockable emote. Clearly, Horning wasn’t happy about this because he wasn’t given credit for the dance. Furthermore, it’s not only home that had this conflict with Fortnite but he also sided with two other famous artists, 2 Milly (creator of the Milly Rock) and Alfonso Ribeiro (responsible for the Fresh dance).

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The Floss dance costs $5 in-game currency

In my opinion, it is completely ludicrous and ridiculous to claim “ownership” over a dance. But, I do believe that the creator of each dance deserves royalty or some money as a way of giving them credit for the creation of the dance move. Due to the fact that Fortnite is profiting off the “flossing” dance, I suppose that Horning deserves some money for their idea. Now, the story of the Orange Shirt Kid is completely different. (I completely do not agree with the fact that the Orange Shirt Kid is suing Fortnite for something that he willingly gave up.) Let me explain. Several months ago, Fortnite created the Boogie Down challenge. Players and people in the community could submit their dance creations with the #BoogieDown and Fortnite will judge it in a competition. The best dance moves are then added to the game as buyable emotes. Because the Orange Shirt Kid’s name wasn’t available to the public, I’m going to refer to him as OSK. OSK submits his dance which looks something like this:

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The dance was also posted on Youtube and everyone was obsessed with it. Unfortunately, it didn’t win the Boogie Down competition instead placing 23rd and the public was furious. It became such a meme that people started demanding justice for Orange Shirt Kid; eventually added into Fortnite by Epic Games with an emote called “Orange Justice”. Currently, the mother of the Orange Shirt Kid sued Fortnite for taking their kid’s idea only after it exploded into popularity and demanded that they received compensation. Of course, contradicting to Russel’s case, OSK already surrendered his rights to the dance by joining the #BoogieDown competition. Therefore, there was no ground basis for the OSK to be suing Fortnite given the circumstances that it is really Fortnite who own the rights to the “Orange Justice” dance.

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Boogie Down challenge

“God of War” is not my 2018 GTY

In an earlier blog, I’ve discussed why I think Red Dead Redemption 2 has the highest chance of winning the “Game of the Year” title. There were multiple factors that would’ve been a contingent upon its victory… but then again, it didn’t win. The title was awarded to the mythological game, God of WarGod of War, released April 20th, 2018, is a first-person action-adventure game by Santa Monica Studio, published by Sony Interactive Establishment. The single-player game revolves around Kratos, a Norse mythological character, who journeys to the highest peak of the nine realms in order to spread the ashes of his deceased wife with his son, Atreus. Today, we will be talking about why as popular and as successful God of War is as a game, there are more deserving games, in my opinion, fit for the title such as Red Dead Redemption 2.

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First of all, let’s talk about why a lot of people considering God of War to be the best game of 2018 (without diving deep into the gameplay and mechanism of the game itself). God of War is a PS4-exclusive mythological-based game released early of 2018; has 25-35 hours of storyline that cannot be unlocked with exclusive DLC.  The game received a lot of great, high reviews from game critiques which built a lot of buzz around God of War. Following the first three days of the release, Sony Entertainment sold over 3.1 million copies. The game ended up making over $300 million in sales, an extremely impressive number compared to any game on the market putting it on the nominee list of 2018 Game of the Year award and of course, it won.

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No, I do not believe that God of War deserved winning the title of Game of the Year. Comparing the numbers of God of War to Red Dead Redemption 2RDD2 certainly outdoes God of War in terms of performance and sales record. As mentioned earlier, GoW’s gameplay encompasses 25-35 hours which is a very substantial storyline but RDD2 carries a, at least, 60-hour gameplay. Personally, this time difference shouldn’t be overlooked because it represents the amount of dedication or effort put into the game. Furthermore, and more importantly, RDD2, being released AFTER GoW, grossed a whopping $715 million by the time of this blog. This number nearly doubles God of War. I understand that there are many factors that contribute to the eligibility for a good game, but I suppose that sales and profit is one of the most considerable aspects.

Nevertheless, I understand that God of War is still one of the most prominent video game of the year and the decision is whatever.


Public Enemy Ninja

Ninja, perhaps the most prominent Fortnite streamer of all time is going under fire for allegedly getting a player banned after getting killed. In the Twitch community, Ninja is certainly revered as one of the superiors in the community. On November 10th, whilst streaming, he encountered a player in the top 15 named “IcyFive” that killed him. He was extremely infuriated and instead of leaving the game and accept the occasional loss, he felt the need to go out of his way to report the player for “stream sniping”. The term “stream sniping” means that a player would join a game or a lobby at the same time as a streamer with the intention of killing the streamer. Ninja was so convinced that IcyFive was stream sniping because just as Ninja’s friend, Dr. Lupo, says, “Here comes the emote!”, IcyFiive starts emoting. And of course, he wasn’t stream sniping. 

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Ninja filing a report

To make matters worse, people in his live stream started to fire back at him claiming that it was an unnecessary action which sparked a hostile reaction from Ninja. Ninja exploded saying if the viewers were oblivious to the fact that the player was stream sniping, they can leave. People were enraged at Ninja’s behavior so when they found out that Epic Games actually banned IcyFive, they were mad. The community started to accuse Epic Games of banning whoever Ninja reports without further viewing the incident simply because it is Ninja, the literal face of Fortnite. IcyFive uploaded a video explaining his side of the story: how he was just playing Fortnite until killing Ninja which gained him six views in the game, making him want to emote. Ninja claimed that the reason he was convinced IcyFive was stream sniping was that after Dr. Lupo said to emote, IcyFive started dancing. This was especially unpleased with the community because emoting and dancing is just part of the gameplay and now people are mockingly saying that we can’t emote anymore in the game.

IcyFive emoting after Ninja kill

Several days later, Epic Games addressed that there as a mistake and they definitely review every player before banning them. In this situation, however, there was another factor or story that must be accounted for (but we’ll get to that later). The next few days on Ninja streams, he talks about how the entire incident was just a “troll” and he had no intention of banning the player and everyone needed to calm down. Clearly, Ninja had taken enough damage; until users on Reddit started to claim that IcyFive got banned. The truth is that IcyFive didn’t get banned, but instead was someone who changed their name to IcyFive and framed Ninja by saying he got banned! The next event of him getting banned was actually fabricated… Ninja took a severe hit on his reputation and even after Dr. Lupo tweeted out that Ninja was being framed, it was too late because his “slander” had ruined Ninja’s already damaged reputation.


Ninja went on an interview on DramaAlert with Keemstar or “Keem” recapitulating the whole incident. It seems as though the situation has begun to settle down. Lately, Ninja hasn’t been one of the most Respected players anymore because of his borderline cringy persona and a lot of people in the community finds him to be different because of his newfound fortune and influence, known as clout.

Spiderman… Whos’that?!?

Yes… this is not a post about the new Spiderman game.

Lately, the gaming community has been buzzing about an insanely hot new game, Spiderm-, nope it’s the newer Rockstar game, Red Dead Redemption II. Released on October 26,2018, the game had found major success and had a gross profit of upward $725 million during the week following its release. The third game in the saga, Red Dead Redemption II has no relations nor does it continue the storyline of the previous game, Red Dead Redemption. Much like other games such as the Assassin’s Creed saga or Grand Theft Auto V, also developed by Rockstar Games, it features a first/third person storyline along with a multiplayer open-world option. Similar to Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption has an excessively long storyline that could last up to 60 hours. The gameplay centers around on an outlaw named Arthur Morgan; takes place in the western frontier of America in 1911.

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The production of Red Dead Redemption II was disclosed with the public by Rockstar Games and had been delayed multiple times in the past seven years whilst being developed. The company had stated that the size of their workers were more than 1,000 employees. According to these data and calculations from “The Deanbeat“, Rockstar Games invested an estimated $944.2 million including employees’ salary along with expenses for marketing/advertisement. This is certainly a substantial amount compared to previous games such as GTA V or the first Red Dead Redemption game. This has raised the assumption that the game wasn’t funded primarily by Rockstar Games but instead by its parent company, Take-Two Interactive. But, all this investment would prove worth it considering the revenue that it is earning for Rockstar Games.

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Only released for a few weeks, Red Dead Redemption II shows an extremely high prospect with critics claiming that the game could make more than $2.55 billion in the next year. The reason that I named this blog post “Spiderman? Who’s that?” is that prior to the release of Red Dead Redemption II, Spiderman and even God of War were the main discussions of the gaming community. With merely a week of released, Red Dead Redemption II had found its way on the nominee list of 2018 Game of the Year. With such astonishing and remarkable payoff, it is arguable that the game is one of the company’s most warranted success following Grand Theft Auto V.

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